Wednesday, August 4, 2021

The Canaanite woman

Just a few thoughts

·        The feast of St John Vianney, the patron of parish priests

·        May St John Vianney, who received his Christian formation and received the Sacraments in secrecy during the French Revolution, inspire priests today to be strong and determined in their vocation to lead the young to Jesus, as they now grow up in a very secular society.  --  Lord, hear us.


ü A story like this is an occasion for us to look at our own attitudes to people of other races, ethnic groups and nationalities

ü Jesus praised the faith of foreigners and pagans (Mt 8, Jn 4).

The Signs Of The Times

Who is Close to God’s Heart?  --  Fr Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Give Us Hope

¯ Evening Prayer

¯ More from Choir! Choir! Choir!

Bits & Pieces

v WATAC, the activist and advocacy organisation Women and the Australian Church, announced the next topic in their popular bi-monthly series of interactive webinars – A Synodal Church: What This Means For The People Of God.
These events provide theological formation to women across Australia while building community.
This webinar is on 11 August from 6 pm to 7 pm (AEST). Register via the website ( to participate.

v 1859 - Caroline Herbig

v 2014: - Death of Ms Dhu, an Aboriginal woman, at South Hedland, WA, sparking a national outcry

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