Thursday, June 24, 2021

The Birth of John The Baptist

Just a few thoughts

·         Be humble for you are made of earth. Be noble for you are made of stars. - Serbian Proverb

·         For the church in Australia, that dioceses holding local synods this year will be blessed by the fire of the Spirit and the light of God’s word.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü Reflections with Fr. Michael Kelly

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Helping churches navigate moral disagreement  --  CathNews

Ø  Diocesan Assembly planning under way

Ø  SA Catholics For An Evolving Church

Musical Reflection

¯ On Jordan's Bank

¯ Joyful, Joyful

¯ This Is My Song

Bits & Pieces

v  1870 - Adam Lindsay Gordon - Australian author

1887   Patawalonga gates

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