Monday, June 21, 2021

Do not judge, so that you may not be judged.

Just a few thoughts

·        At Sunday Mass I learnt that on Tuesday evening a Youth Consultation will be taking place at Hectorville Parish in preparation for the Diocesan Youth Assembly planned in August. Why such short notice?
We were not told if any parish youth representatives have been elected/ selected/ volunteered for this Consultation. Why not?
As far as I know nothing has happened in our parish to prepare for this Youth Assembly nor the General Diocesan Assembly in preparation for the Plenary Council. Why not?

·        Great work from parishioner Sue W. in presenting the great story about the artist Voitre Marek and his connection to our parish church. Check it out here
This story should be made part of our parish website.


ü Sunday Homily - Fr Frank Brennan

ü To judge others is to trim them to your own measure.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  The German Catholic Church has conducted a Synodal Plenary Council. It seems to have run into trouble because it ignored or did not recognise the limitations of its power/influence. The Australian Plenary Council also seems already to have struck the same problem during its current “listening” stage.
Synodal way has 'birth defect' says top cardinal

Musical Reflection

¯ Beautiful Savior

¯ How Can I Keep From Singing

¯ Together As One  --  Audio track and Lyrics

Bits & Pieces

v  1908 – Death of Nikolay Rimsky-Korsakov – Russian Composer. Here are 2 versions of a short popular piece of his music: Piece version 1 and Version 2

v  1948 – Birth of Lionel Rose. I hate the brutal violence of boxing, but we all loved Lionel Rose.

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