Tuesday, June 22, 2021

In everything do to others as you would have them do to you.

Just a few thoughts

·        What a lovely sunny day we enjoyed yesterday, the “shortest day” of the year.

·        We all know that our bishops, as a leadership group, have lost their credibility as moral authotity in Australia since the Royal Commission, but it was still great to note that Bishop McCarthy asks PM to return Tamil family to Biloela

·        For all people on earth, that the whole human family will learn to respect and live in harmony with the world of nature.  --  Let us pray to the Lord.


ü Reflections with Fr. Michael Kelly

ü Praying through Pain

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Refugee Week runs from Sunday 20 June to Saturday 26 June

Ø  A Eucharistic Prayer – Fr Ron Rolheiser

Musical Reflection

¯ Beautiful Savior

¯ How Can I Keep From Singing

Bits & Pieces

v  1878   Sir John Cleland

v  1633 - Accused of heresy by the Inquisition, Galileo was forced to recant his support of the Copernican system, which held that the Sun was the centre of the solar system.

v  1995 – Death of Yves Congar, French Dominican priest who was widely recognised in his lifetime as one of the most important Roman Catholic theologians of the 20th century.


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