Saturday, June 19, 2021

Are we often so busy regretting the past or worrying about the future that we never get to enjoy life?

Just a few thoughts

·         Yesterday I referred to Catholic Social Teaching and its relevance in the world that the Church faces today.
Catholic Social Teaching is based on Gospel values. The fundamental teachings focus on 4 essential values:- Human Dignity; The Common Good; Subsidiarity; and Solidarity.


ü "Even though you are trembling, take the path of faith."

The Signs Of The Times

Ø  Agenda of Plenary Council Assemblies calls for missionary, Christ-centred Church

Ø  Plenary Council Agenda

Musical Reflection

¯ Eagle's Wings

¯ Fly Like a Bird

Bits & Pieces

v  1969:  Affirmation by Arbitration Commission of the principle of equal pay for women performing equal work   [52 years later and women are still seeking wage justice!]

v  1838 - Sir George Kingston

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