Thursday, July 25, 2024

He came to serve

Just a few thoughts

·       Something I learnt today:- The Botafumeiro is a famous thurible used at the Santiago de Compostela Cathedral, in Spain.

·       “Today is always here,’ said Sethe. ‘Tomorrow, never.” -- Toni Morrison

·       May those in leadership in the Church not seek power over others, but rather be filled with the spirit of service


ü James the Apostle

ü Being modern day apostles

ü Seeking peace – the peace of God – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Gospel values as expressed in Catholic Social Teaching teach us that we must uphold human dignity, prevent war, act for the Common Good and support the poor, marginalised and downtrodden.
This is not about politics.

Australian Leadership to end the war on Gaza: open letter to the Prime Minister

Musical Reflection

¯  Supper of the Lord

¯  Gift of Finest Wheat

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