Friday, June 14, 2024

The spirit of the Law

Just a few thoughts

·       "Don't fall in love with someone who says the right things; fall in love with someone who does the right things." -- Robert Tew

·       May there be peace for all people and the restoration of human rights and freedom of religion.

·       We pray for all who live with a disability and those who help care for them, that they will have all the support they need to flourish and contribute to the common good.


ü A diminished sense of sin?

ü God’s presence in gentle breeze

ü A Thing of Wonder – Reflection for next Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Women deacons: A closed book?

Ø ‘Two years to save the world’

Musical Reflection

¯  All The Ends of the Earth

¯  I Will Never Forget You, My People

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