Monday, June 17, 2024

Responding to malice with goodness

Just a few thoughts

·       "Everything that happens to you is either an opportunity to grow or an obstacle to keep you from growing. You get to choose. -- Wayne Dyer

·       May those who administer justice – our governments, police forces, courts and prison officials – do so with great care so that there is the opportunity for people to change and be rehabilitated.

·       We pray for all who are sowing mustard seeds of peace in Israel and Palestine, and in every place of terrible warfare, that their humble efforts will bring results beyond imagining.


ü “Let’s not waste our energy criticising what is wrong; let’s just do our own work to the best of our ability. If it’s any good it will displace what is bad.”

ü May we each be beacons of light, standing up in peaceful ways for those who are suffering injustice, while keeping our hearts soft and open to the tender love of God within.

ü Sunday Reflection – Frank Brennan

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Using apps to grow in faith

Ø The Spirit in Jesus

Musical Reflection

 ¯  Shelter Me O God

¯  Save Us, O Lord

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