Thursday, June 13, 2024

Preaching to the fishes

Just a few thoughts

·       "Always have a sense of humour about life - you'll need it - but always be courteous to boot." -- Peter Jennings

·       Let’s pray for peace everywhere and for everyone.

·       We pray for environmental justice, that the lands and peoples with the most to lose from global warming will receive the help they need from the nations driving climate change


ü The law doesn’t go down to the roots of things: to the mind and heart. It is in the mind and heart that all our actions are conceived and born.

ü Dealing with conflict

ü Why we are punished by our sins, not for them – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Ordinary Time

Ø Catholics to celebrate Indigenous contributions to the Church

Musical Reflection

¯  Love One Another

¯  For the Beauty of the Earth

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