Wednesday, June 26, 2024

Beware of false prophets

Just a few thoughts

·       "I am who I am today because of the choices I made yesterday." --Eleanor Roosevelt

·       May the gift of prudence help Christians to discern between true and false prophets, so that they are not swayed by every religious novelty, but seek rather the truth of God’s word.

·       We pray for a new spirit of respect to sweep through the Australian community, that the blessings we enjoy as a peaceful society will not be lost through division and discontent.


ü Take care of the inside and the outside will take care of itself.

ü Those with integrity have consistency in what they say and do.

ü Responding with prophetic courage as we move into deeper waters – Sunday  reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø World Refugee Day: “As you did to the least of these, you did unto me”

Ø Compassion Not Pity

Musical Reflection

¯  Stay with Us, O Lord

¯  Christ In Me Arise

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