Saturday, March 4, 2023

We must love both friends or enemies

Just a few thoughts

·       People have a right and a duty to participate in society, seeking together the common good and well-being of all, especially poor and vulnerable people.

·       "Your Life Is Your Story. Write Well Edit Often"

·       May we have in our hearts the power of God’s love so that we ourselves can love, even our enemies.


ü The Transfiguration not only offers us a glimpse of Jesus in all his glory, but it also offers each of us a foretaste of what God promises each of us in the fullness of the Kingdom. -- Michael Moore OMI

ü The Promises of God

ü Jesus, Our Light and Our Life: Becoming One in Christ – A Lent Reflection Booklet

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Stepping up for the voiceless

Ø Conference debates religious freedom and the role of the state

Musical Reflection

¯  Walk With Me O My Lord

¯  In The Lord I'll be Ever Thankful

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