Monday, March 13, 2023

Broadening Our Minds

Just a few thoughts

·       To be great, be whole;

Exclude nothing, exaggerate nothing that is not you.

Be whole in everything.

Put all you are

into the smallest thing you do.

So, in each lake, the moon shines with splendour...

     Fernando Pessoa

·       May Pope Francis whom the Holy Spirit chose to lead the Church in the way of Jesus Christ - the way of mercy, tenderness and inclusion, be filled with every spiritual blessing.


ü Sunday Homily – Frank Brennan

ü Deciding For Life

ü Evil and Ego

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Mary MacKillop Precinct  this year.

Ø Stay in your own home for longer!

Ø Via Dolorosa

Musical Reflection

¯  Jerusalem My Destiny

¯  Shelter Me

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