Friday, March 17, 2023

I am sending you out like lambs among wolves.

Just a few thoughts

·       Let's try and avoid death in small doses, reminding oneself that being alive requires an effort far greater than the simple fact of breathing.

Only a burning patience will lead to the attainment of a splendid happiness. -- Pablo Neruda

·       "I just want you to know that if you are out there and you are being really hard on yourself right now for something that has happened ... it's normal. That is what is going to happen to you in life. No one gets through unscathed. We are all going to have a few scratches on us. Please be kind to yourselves and stand up for yourself, please." -- Taylor Swift

·       As St Patrick left the land of his birth in order to proclaim the Gospel to a different people, so may all in the Archdiocese, drawn from many lands, be united in their faith and charity.


ü St Patrick - I give untiring thanks to God who kept me faithful in the time of trial

ü A Heartfelt and Humble Prayer

ü Homily for next Sunday - The Creative Judge

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Saint Patrick, Bishop and Missionary

Ø Way of the Cross from Jerusalem

Ø UK bishops emphasise dignity in new document on migrants

Musical Reflection

¯  Go Tell Everyone

¯  Song of St Patrick

¯  Dóchas Linn Naomh Pádraig

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