Thursday, February 16, 2023

You are the Christ.

Just a few thoughts

·        The journey from the head to the heart, as we all know, is the longest distance we will ever cover. -- Elizabeth O'Connor

·        "Complaining keeps you stuck in energy that you can't stand and leaves you feeling powerless. Use your repeated complaints to identify what the problem is. Think of what you would like to see instead. Think of how what you would like to see will feel when it is in your reality. Hold that feeling, not as a want or a wish but as if it already exists. This will shift you internally to become empowered to make it a reality in your life." -- Doe Zantamata

·        May the governments of nations which are being exploited for greed, have the courage to protect their people and land through resisting all forms of corruption and enacting laws of justice.


ü Understanding the Sermon on the Mount

ü Eucharistic prayer is the most important and least understood prayer in Mass

ü Seeking the Ways of God

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Catholic organisations hail ‘victory for compassion and common sense’

Ø A necessary conversation

Musical Reflection

¯ Will You Love Me?

¯ If ye love me

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