Wednesday, February 22, 2023

Carnival is over

Just a few thoughts

·       Lent - a time to shed our clothes of excess, shed our masks, and enter a spiritual cell of quietness, peace and rest….

·       May our fasting and other Lenten penances release us from earthly desires and make us more intent on goodness, justice and mercy.

·       May this time of Lent make Australian Catholics more sensitive to the sufferings of the world, especially through Project Compassion by which we show justice to the poor and needy.


ü Nonviolence, The Way Of Jesus And The Only Way

ü Our new life has to come from the deepest place in us: not from our ego ambitions and pursuits, but from our true nature, which is “hidden with Christ in God”

ü It Always Begins in Dust and Ashes

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Our Over-Burdened Planet

Ø Caritas Earthquake Appeal

Ø Pearson will ‘fall silent’ if Voice referendum fails

Musical Reflection

¯  Lord of All Nations, Grant Me Grace

¯  Ubi Caritas - Hurd

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