Thursday, February 23, 2023

Carrying our crosses

Just a few thoughts

·       A good school is one where your child is safe, feels like they belong and can participate in a rich learning environment. It not its NAPLAN rating

·       "Life always offers you a second chance. It's called tomorrow." – Anon

·       During this season of Lent may we follow Jesus with trust and hope.


ü The reason we pray for those who persecute us

ü Following Jesus’ Way

ü A reflection for Ash Wednesday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Faith leaders send an open letter to federal parliamentarians on The Voice Referendum

Ø Does synodality dilute the apostolic tradition?

Ø Ethics - 2022 Chocolate Scorecard

Ø Ethical chocolate Easter eggs

Musical Reflection

¯  Tree of Life

¯  Out Of Ashes

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