Saturday, February 11, 2023

There had been about four thousand people.

Just a few thoughts

·       "As we grow older, real beauty travels from the face to the heart, appeal turns to charm, hurt to wisdom, and great moments to shared memories. The true beauty of life is not how happy you are now, but how happy others are because of you." – Anon

·       The doorway to a radical, numinous simplicity seems to be reached by the long difficult path of generosity. - David Whyte

·       May all who are sick at this time, not feel abandoned by God, but know that Jesus, who suffered for humanity, draws them close to him in comfort.


ü The wonder worker.

ü Moving Beyond Survival

ü The Law of Love

The Signs Of The Times

Ø World Day of the Sick

Ø Synodality, mission lead Oceania bishops’ Tuesday agenda

Ø Catholic sector calls for wealthy to pay more for aged care

Musical Reflection

¯  Praise Our Lord

¯  Holy Wisdom, Lamp of Learning

¯  In Times Like These

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