Thursday, May 26, 2022

Understand how little we know

Just a few thoughts

 ·        We pray for the First Peoples of Australia, that Sorry Day (26 May), National Reconciliation Week (27 May-3 June) and the Uluru Statement from the Heart will renew their hope for a better future.

·        Live in the sunshine, swim in the sea, drink the wild air. -- Ralph Waldo Emerson

·        "When you measure your growth, make sure to only measure your today self by your past self. If you compare your relationships, your success, or your anything against anyone else, you are not being fair to you. Everyone has a different path, a different pace, and different challenges to face along the way." --  Doe Zantamata


ü Homily for last Sunday - With prayer and supplication, make all your needs known to God

ü All our sufferings can similarly be turned to joy

ü A Call To Trust

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Archbishop calls for prayers in ‘troubled times’

Ø Commemorating the 5th Anniversary of the Uluru Statement from the Heart – Josephites

Ø Indigenous voice referendum can’t be rushed: Burney

Musical Reflection

¯ Forth In The Peace of Christ We Go

¯ Lord, you give the great commission

¯ The Church of Christ in every age

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