Friday, May 6, 2022

They abide in me, and I in them

Just a few thoughts

·        ‘Intervene with authorities to reform structures…there is no charity without justice.’ – St Vincent de Paul


 God of this land and of every people,
who shape all things according to your own design
and write your law in every human heart:
we thank you for this country we call home,
from the First Nations people to others born here
and those you have gathered from across the earth.

We pray for the citizens of our land in this troubled time,
that we may be committed to justice,
to the dignity of each human life,
and to solidarity with all Australians and with the world.

 Guide all who seek election to serve the nation;
may the Holy Spirit inspire them to pursue a better politics
that is wise and courageous and governs for the good of all.

 May all of us see and hear you in the most vulnerable,
that we may respond to the cry of the earth
and the cry of the poor,
that we may respond to you.
Through Jesus Christ our Lord. Amen.

     Courtesy of the Australian Catholic Bishops Conference,


ü We are his body.

ü We are brothers and sisters who are the Body of Christ for each other and for the whole world

ü To Eat and To Be Eaten

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Exploring the congregation’s role in liturgy

Ø Bishops prepare to elect new Conference president

Ø Real Presence

Musical Reflection

¯ I Am the Bread of Life

¯ You Raise Me Up

¯ Never see a need

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