Thursday, May 5, 2022

Me in Christ or Christ in me?

 Just a few thoughts

·        "Trust yourself, you know more than you think you do."  --  Benjamin Spock

·        We pray for peace-makers in every sphere of human life, that they will defuse hatred and heal division.

·        May we all contemplate the Common Good as we approach the federal election.


ü We cannot do it for ourselves – or for anyone else. It is a work of grace, God’s attractive power, not human pushing.

ü By our eating of the bread-that-is-flesh we affirm our total adhesion to all that Jesus is and stands for.

ü The Living Bread

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Why we must honour the elderly

Ø Elections and the Episcopal gaze

Ø The Sacramental Principle

Musical Reflection

¯ I Am The Bread Of Life

¯ Change Our Hearts

¯ Never See a Need

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