Wednesday, May 18, 2022

God’s kind of love

Just a few thoughts

·        Laudato Si’ week -  celebrating Pope Francis’ document on creation and the environment – May all people of good will be united in working on climate change together.

·        May all Christians, grafted onto Christ the true Vine, grow in their lives, so that each one may show justice and mercy to others.

·        National Volunteer Week – Wow! Millions of volunteers in Australia show care for others


ü Abide in me as I abide in you

ü He is the Source of all life and all Meaning in life

ü Jesus The True Vine

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Laudato Si’ Week

Ø National Volunteers Week

Ø India's first lay saint, martyred for preaching social equality

Musical Reflection

¯ Micah's Song

¯ We Are One Body

¯ Hymn to Freedom

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