Friday, April 19, 2024

Jesus comes to us through every loving experience that we have in community.

Just a few thoughts

·       “If you don’t take risks, you can’t create a future.” -- Monkey D. Luffy

·       May parents who worry about the apparent lack of faith in their children not lose heart, but see in St Paul’s conversion every reason to still believe in Christ’s grace

·       We pray for the human family in these times of rupture and division, that by the grace of God a new spirit of hope will free all people to work together for peace


ü See every person as if he or she were yourself

ü Paul’s journey of discovery

ü The Shepherd’s Sacrifice – Next Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø UN anti-torture watchdog issues blunt warning to Australia

Ø Project Compassion - Caritas Australia thanks schools and parishes

Musical Reflection

¯  Open My Eyes

¯  With a Shepherd's Care

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