Wednesday, April 17, 2024

Jesus, the bread of life

Just a few thoughts

·       "What matters in life is not what happens to you but what you remember and how you remember it." -- Gabriel García Márquez

·       May we bring to God all who have asked for our prayers, those who have a right to them, and those who have no one to pray for them

·       We pray for mayors, councillors and local government officers, that they will serve their community with dedication, integrity and care for the common good


ü The old penny catechism

ü The Acts of the Apostles

ü Becoming the witnesses of hope despite despair and indifference – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Respond to violence and fear with prayer and peace

Ø God’s Exuberant Energy

Musical Reflection

¯  Alleluia! Raise the Gospel

¯  All Are Welcome

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