Thursday, April 18, 2024

Communion with the Lord

Just a few thoughts

·       There is little success where there is little laughter.” -- Andrew Carnegie

·       May peace prevail in all places where there is conflict, war and violence

·       We pray for young people struggling to cope with mental illness, that they will be blessed with the support of family, friends and professional services.


ü Jesus chose the way of love.

ü Please be kinder than you need to everyone you see

ü Peace – all that has been won for us by Christ’s passion and resurrection – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Religious, political leaders release joint statement after church stabbing

Ø Gap between haves and have-nots widens

Ø Migrants: unappreciated, hardworking, and needed

Musical Reflection

¯  Goin' Home

¯  Miserere

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