Thursday, March 28, 2024

The Lord is with us always

Just a few thoughts

·       "Always laugh when you can, it is cheap medicine." -- Lord Byron

·       The things you do for yourself are gone when you are gone, but the things you do for others remain as your legacy. -- Kalu Ndukwe Kalu

·       We pray for the Church in every place that faith in Jesus in the Eucharist will sustain, nourish and fill them with charity


ü In even the humblest service we do for one another, Jesus is present

ü Shalom

ü Memory, Service and Love – Holy Thursday

ü Created to share infinite love with God – Palm Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Let us be Eucharistic people nourished by the bread of life

Ø Archbishop O’Regan’s Easter message

Musical Reflection

¯  Love One Another

¯  Pange Lingua

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