Saturday, March 16, 2024

Meeting at night

Just a few thoughts

·        "In real life, as it is in fiction, character is both formed and revealed when we are tested. When we are forced to make decisions under pressure, that test can either make us stronger or it can highlight our weaknesses and crack us into pieces." -- Bryan Cranston

·        Like Nicodemous, may have the courage to speak up on behalf of people who are being unjustly judged and condemned

·        May all workers be assured of safety from workplace bullying, harassment and discrimination


ü There is something of the Pharisee in every one of us.

ü Are we confused?

ü The Last Deadline – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Trailblazers

Ø Stepping up for St Pat's

Ø Pope sets up groups to study most controversial issues raised at Synod

Musical Reflection

¯ Behold the Wood of the Cross

¯ Unless a Grain of Wheat

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