Thursday, March 14, 2024

Connecting the dots

Just a few thoughts

·       Strong leaders encourage you to do things for your own benefit, not just theirs. -- Tim Tebow

·       One genuine new relationship is worth a fistful of business cards. --  Susan Cain

·       May the followers of Islam, who are observing Ramadan, that their month of prayer, fasting and community will renew their devotion and faith.


ü God is the witness to the truth of all that Jesus says

ü Commitment and Dedication

ü Jesus and the healing of the man born blind – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A perfect stranger's perfect gift

Ø Aging As A Natural Monastery

Ø The Way of the Cross - India

Musical Reflection

¯  Change Our Hearts

¯  Be with Me

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