Monday, February 19, 2024

Responding with generosity

Just a few thoughts

·       May we see Christ in those who are in need and help them in the spirit of Jesus who came among us ‘as one who serves’.

·       Compassion changes everything. Compassion heals. Compassion mends the broken and restores what has been lost. Compassion draws together those who have been estranged or never even dreamed they were connected. Compassion pulls us out of ourselves and into the heart of another, placing us on holy ground where we instinctively take off our shoes and walk in reverence. Compassion springs out of vulnerability and triumphs in unity. -- Judy Cannato


ü In serving one another we are serving God.

ü Seeing Jesus in those who are marginalised

ü Leisure, a Lenten discipline – Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A Response to the Synod on Synodality SYNTHESIS REPORT

Ø Careena’s five-decade journey to the Catholic faith

Musical Reflection

¯  Transfiguration

¯  We Behold the Splendour of God

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