Tuesday, February 20, 2024

Our Father

Just a few thoughts

·       Soulful people temper our tantrums by their calm, lessen our urgency by their peace, exhibit a world of options and alternatives when conversation turns into dualistic bickering. Soulful people are the necessary salt, yeast, and light needed to grow groups up. -- Richard Rohr

·       May the kingdom of God be established in every heart so that each person knows that they are loved personally by God.

·       We pray for all who negotiating for peace in the Middle East and Ukraine. May their diplomatic skills, patience and persistence bear good fruit.


ü Who can fear this life, if God is our life-guardian?

ü With Mind and Heart Renewed

ü Sunday homily- Bishop Vincent

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Concept of the Church should be broadened

Ø No Time for Anything but Love

Musical Reflection

¯  The Lord's Prayer in Aramaic

¯  Pater Noster

¯  Our Father

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