Wednesday, May 24, 2023

He will be with us every step of the way... protecting us with outstretched arms.

Just a few thoughts

·       "There are two ways to be rich: One is by acquiring much, and the other is by desiring little." --Jackie French Koller

·       The greatest mistake you can make is to be continually fearing that you’ll make one. -- Elbert Hubbard

·       We pray for all celebrating Laudato si’ Week (16-24 May in Australia), that they will kindle fresh hope for the earth and hope for humanity.


ü Last Sunday - Being the continued presence of the risen Christ on earth

ü Be in communion with God

ü St. Francis Xavier offers the faithful, especially young people who are itching to make a difference in the world, a wonderful example of how to find courage in prayer and spread the joy of the Gospel, Pope Francis said.

The Signs Of The Times

Ø City procession honours Mary

Ø Week of Prayer for Christian Unity

Ø A Reflection on Interfaith Relations – Frank Brennan

Musical Reflection

¯  Come O Holy Spirit

¯  Breath of God

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