Wednesday, May 10, 2023

Being branches of the vine

Just a few thoughts

·       "Hope is like the sun. If you only believe in it when you see it, you'll never make it through the night." -- Leia Organa

·       "A good friend is a connection to life - a tie to the past, a road to the future, the key to sanity in a totally insane world." -- Lois Wyse

·       We pray for all who work in the field of artificial intelligence, that they will pledge to respect ethical norms safeguarding human freedom.


ü The vine is the branches!

ü If the branch does not bear fruit…

ü “Make your home in me, as I make mine in you.”

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Frank Brennan and an Indigenous Voice to Parliament

Ø Increased demand for frontline services

Ø Diocesan Pastoral Council setting goals for 2023

Musical Reflection

¯  The King of Love My Shepherd Is

¯  Come to Me

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