Thursday, May 25, 2023

And now faith, hope and love abide

Just a few thoughts

·       "Old gardeners never die. They just spade away then throw in the trowel." -- H.V. Prochnow, Sr.

·       "Don't be offended when people don't seem to get you. Not everyone recognizes brilliance." -- Linda Poindexter

·       We pray for all who are dying and for their loved ones and carers, that National Palliative Care Week will highlight the medical and pastoral care they can receive.


ü Our unity with God in Christ.

ü The Ascension – feast of Christian hope

ü May we become closer to each other and to God

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The Voice to Parliament is a natural and necessary step towards practical reconciliation.

Ø Fighting clericalism means empowering laity

Ø Rock Stars at Sevenhill

Musical Reflection

¯  Spirit of God in the clear running waters

¯  Veni Sancte Spiritus

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