Sunday, April 9, 2023

The Resurrection

Just a few thoughts

·       “From the rubble of our hearts – and each one of us knows the rubble of our hearts – God can create a work of art; from the ruined remnants of our humanity, God can prepare a new history. He never ceases to go ahead of us: in the cross of suffering, desolation and death, and in the glory of a life that rises again, a history that changes, a hope that is reborn.” – Pope Francis

·       "A true friend is someone who thinks you're a good egg, even if you're cracked." -- Anon

·       "All I really need is love, but a little chocolate now and then doesn't hurt!" -- Charles M. Schulz, Peanuts

·       The Easter message is: if this is really the world we hope for, then we are not heading in the right direction. There is only one route that leads to harmony, justice, wellbeing, life in all its fullness and that is the way of service, putting the other first, sacrifice – the way of the cross. The problem is that for most of us, this is too counter-intuitive. -- George Browning


ü Australian Women Preach

ü Easter Sunday- Frank Brennan

ü Bishop Vincent Long’s 2023 Easter Message

ü To behold the resurrection, the stone must first be rolled away from our hearts,

The Signs Of The Times

Ø In love, prefer one another

Ø Easter Message: Power, control, autocracy, Empire…

Ø God of life and love

Musical Reflection

¯  Jesus Christ Is Risen Today

¯  I Will Rise

¯  Handel's 'Hallelujah!' Chorus

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