Wednesday, April 5, 2023

Not I, Lord, surely?’

Just a few thoughts

·       Optimism is essential to achievement, and it is also the foundation of courage and true progress. -- Nicholas M. Butler

·       We pray for our parish community, that the services of Holy Week will renew and deepen our faith in Christ.

·       May we receive the grace never to betray a friend, but if we have done so in the past, may we know the grace of God’s forgiveness and the joy of reconciliation.


ü This day is sometimes called ‘Spy Wednesday’

ü Let us watch it carefully during the coming three days, not just as spectators, but as participants.

ü Judas

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Community committed to Sister Janet's vision

Ø World Health Day

Musical Reflection

¯  Ubi Caritas

¯  Jesus, the Lord

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