Friday, December 30, 2022

The well-being of society is directly linked to the health of the family unit

Just a few thoughts

·       "Sometimes falling flat on your face allows you to see things from a totally different perspective." -- Linda Poindexter

·       All of us who have a stake in capitalism have a non-delegable responsibility to make it better - and we must start by raising our own ethical standards and by challenging others to do the same. The rehabilitation of capitalism won’t come from top down programs of corporate social responsibility. A grand top-down initiative, however admirable or profitable, will never be a substitute for a bottom up sense of moral responsibility that informs every decision. -- Gary Hamel

·       The Church family: May we see one another as sisters and brothers in the Lord.


ü Home A Place To Flourish

ü The Holy Family.

ü A Christmas sermon

The Signs Of The Times

Ø A Capacity for Communion

Ø Retired Pope Benedict XVI is 'very sick'

Musical Reflection

¯  Oh Christmas Tree

¯  Under The Milky Way

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