Tuesday, December 13, 2022

But you did not believe him

Just a few thoughts

·        Why is it that the essence of our humanity, our desire to reach beyond ourselves, to touch others, to do something that matters, to leave the world just that little bit better is so often not realised at work? -- Gary Hamel

·        "The bird of paradise alights only on the hand that does not grasp." -- John Berry

·        Let’s pray that Christians, caught up in the commercialization of Christmas, will remember that it is Jesus who makes Christmas.


ü Yes is the big word in religion

ü Sunday Reflection – No Offense, But…

ü Sunday Reflection – Gifts

ü When I keep my eyes on Jesus

The Signs Of The Times

Ø You shall not kill

Ø Why is the Catholic Church still investigating itself?

Musical Reflection

¯ Gift of God

¯ Ready the way

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