Monday, December 5, 2022

Jesus saw their faith

Just a few thoughts

·       We can't build a good society on the principles of self-interest and entitlement alone. Without generosity, there can be no community. Without the kindness of strangers, a society is turned into an armed camp....The atmosphere of compassion that transforms a mass of alienated individuals into a caring community is created by countless acts of kindness and charitable foresight. -- Sam Keen

·       "Rest is not idle, is not wasteful. Sometimes rest is the most productive thing you can do for body and soul." -- Erica Layne

·       We pray for those attending the world biodiversity conference starting in Montreal this week (5-17 December). May they pledge to protect earth’s creatures and restore the wealth of nature’s life


ü We have seen strange things today

ü The Spiritual and The Physical

ü Sunday Reflection - Genuine Hope

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Selflessness

Ø An Indigenous Voice: Truth, treaty and reconciliation

Ø 8 Benefits of Being a Nice Person

Musical Reflection

¯  We Are Called

¯  He Is Among Us

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