Monday, January 12, 2009

Gaza Again

Two articles about the Israel v Palestine question caught my attention today.
Both are published by Eureka Street Online magazine. Eureka Street is an Australian Jesuit publication.

“Thoughts from a Gaza voyeur”
“The whole Islamic world is in uproar, and the focus there is much less on the immediate issue of the Hamas missiles, and the grossly disproportionate Israeli response, than on the longer term strangulation of any economic, cultural and social life in Gaza by the land and sea siege.”
Read the article here.

“Gaza conversations”

“In recent days events in the Gaza Strip have demonstrated that power finds it easier to use force than to begin or maintain conversation. Hamas' mission is to engineer situations which will bolster its support in the Gaza Strip and perhaps also on the West Bank. And Israel's assault confirms the conviction amongst Palestinians (many of whom have already suffered from the blockade of Gaza) that Israel is their bane.”
Read the article here.

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