Thursday, August 13, 2015

Knights of the Southern Cross

A thoroughly enjoyable dinner was held for the men of the parishes of Tranmere & Hectorville was held in July.
$1,000 was raised to support the 'good works' of the St Vincent De Paul Society.
A wonderful result.
The catering team was outstanding!

In August the Knights' Michael Boyle presented the cheques to members of the St Vincent De Paul Society at the conclusion of Sunday Mass.

An Induction Ceremony was also held for a new member of the Knights.
Congratulations to Chris White.

Tuesday, June 16, 2015

Refugee Week

Are You Ready For The Facts?

·         Almost every day there is media coverage of issues relating to asylum seekers or refugees, much of which is inaccurate.
·         Stories use language that fuels fear, anger and hostility towards vulnerable people who have no voice to combat such myths.
·         But you can help by understanding the facts this Refugee Week.
·         We've busted some of the most common myths about asylum seekers and refugees, because knowing the truth is one of the easiest ways you can help to change the conversation for the better.

·         Changing the conversation is the only way to affect policy.

Find excellent resources about the Myths & Facts here  and here

Wednesday, May 27, 2015

Time Capsule

Time capsule   17 May 2015—May 2040

During discussions on how to celebrate the 50th anniversary of the Blessing and Opening of our Parish Church, one of the Children’s Liturgy Catechists came up with the idea of the children preparing a Time Capsule!
An idea enthusiastically supported by both the Liturgy Committee and Parish Pastoral Council.

So the children set to work writing prayers, making posters, collecting bits and pieces!
These, along with other memorabilia gathered over the past 50 years were then encased in a waterproof capsule, the hole dug and duly buried by Fr. Denis Edwards.
Actually, Fr. Denis put in the first shovel full of dirt and the rest by some very excited children with plastic cups full of dirt!

Thursday, May 7, 2015

50th Birthday Of Our Church

50th Anniversary of the Opening of our Parish Church
Sunday 3 May

After a week of wind, rain and rather cold miserable weather the weekend of 2 & 3 May dawned bright and sunny!
So it was with sunny dispositions that members of the Liturgy Committee set about blowing up balloons, hanging banners, sticking up old photos and documents from the parish archives and watching enthralled as the Zaltron family installed our two new garden seats.

On Sunday we welcomed back Fr. Philip Marshall Vicar General, as our principal celebrant and by co-incidence Mgr Jim O’Loughlin, who had celebrated our 25th anniversary Mass as the then Vicar General, was present at our 50th!

Morning Tea was a scrumptious feast and the children were kept entertained with ice blocks and blowing bubbles all over the front lawn.