Friday, September 6, 2024

Tradition is continually being refreshed and renewed

Just a few thoughts

·       "Finding your way in life is like unlocking the combination of a safe. You have to go forwards and backwards. Life is not a direct march from A to B. The twists and turns are progress, not regression. What feels like a setback in the moment is later revealed to have been part of the path all along. Each move was necessary to get to your end goal." -- James Clear

·       May we be servants to those around us, especially of children and teenagers as we observe Child Protection Week

·       May those who suffer for their Chrisian faith, those forced to become refugees, those burdened with homelessness and poverty be the concern of the whole Church


ü The Gospel will always be News to us.

ü Maturity in Loving

ü Doing All Things Well – Reflection for next Sunday

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Celibacy – What’s to Be Said?

Ø Reporting in a hostile world

Musical Reflection

¯  A Place at the Table

¯  Lead Me, Lord

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