Monday, September 23, 2024

Gifts and Talents

Just a few thoughts

·       If Australia’s politicians truly hold the interests of Australians at their heart, they will find a way to deliver better bipartisan policy solutions to the problems we face, even if those solutions cause discomfort to those with power, money and influence. -- Joe Zabar

·       May the Holy Spirit shine through us in all our actions and words, so that they bring grace to others

·       We pray for peoples around the world still subjected to colonial rule, that they will succeed in maintaining their identity and passing on their cultural heritage


ü Sunday Homily – Frank Brennan

ü Discerning our path in life

ü Pay attention to how you listen

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Listening the first step towards reconciliation

Ø Pope fears for future generations but ‘things can change’

Musical Reflection

¯  Our God Is Here

¯  A Rightful Place

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