Thursday, January 25, 2024

Re-examining our motivations and certainties

Just a few thoughts

·       All the art of living lies in a fine mingling of letting go and holding on. -- Havelock Ellis

·       “Jesus was totally nonviolent and calls us to practice and teach Gospel nonviolence and welcome God’s reign of peace and nonviolence, which means from now on, we work for the abolition of war, poverty, racism, gun violence, the death penalty, nuclear weapons, environmental destruction, and all violence.” –- John Dear

·       We pray for all guardians of nature, that their love of the world in which we live will inspire us to play our part in caring for the earth, our common home.


ü The city of God is not made of stones but of people.

ü Saying ‘Yes’ Today

ü The power of ‘handing over’ to God – Last Sunday reflection

The Signs Of The Times

Ø The origins and meaning of the sayings you’ll hear at rallies and acknowledgement of Country, like “sovereignty was never ceded and treaty was never signed” and “Always was, always will be Aboriginal land.”

Musical Reflection

¯  Your Words Are Spirit and Life

¯  Come To Me and Find Rest

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