Friday, April 15, 2022


Just a few thoughts

·        For Caritas Australia and all its partner agencies, that our support for Project Compassion this year will help their mission of care and compassion transform the lives of many.

·        For our parish community, that this Holy Week will be a time of deep spiritual preparation for the celebration of Jesus’ passion, death and resurrection.

·        If you have good thoughts they will shine out of your face like sunbeams and you will always look lovely.  --  Roald Dahl


ü There they crucified him

ü Stay with the Suffering

ü Jesus’ Passion

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Holy Thursday is a Christian Passover, when we remember who we are

Ø Church must adapt to changing times: Archbishop Coleridge

Ø Christ’s Resurrection in 2022

Musical Reflection

¯ All You Who Pass This Way

¯ The Beatitudes

¯ A message from Benny from ABBA

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