Monday, April 18, 2022


Just a few thoughts

·        The joy of Easter springs from our deep gratitude to God for his gentle and compassionate presence in our lives  --  Bishop Vincent Long

·        Please share this joy generously with others, especially those in the ‘shadows’ and on the margins of our society, during this blessed time and always!  --  Bishop Vincent Long

·        We pray for the voters of the nation, that in the lead-up to the federal election they will wisely consider who will best promote social and climate justice.


ü From Brisbane  --  Filled With Awe And Great Joy

ü Easter Sunday Homily  --  Frank Brennan

ü Easter Sunday: Faith is always a risk

The Signs Of The Times

Ø Easter Message of Bishop Vincent Long

Ø Coming through Crises Stronger

Ø We like to think 21st century humanity is somehow superior to past generations, possessed as they were with less knowledge and sophistication, but the invasion of Ukraine tells us otherwise.

Musical Reflection

¯ Jesus Lives

¯ Easter hymn

¯ Sacrum Convivium

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