Sunday, December 14, 2008

"See how they care for one another"

In his message this week Mgr John refers to the “New Evangelisation.”

“You know, in a way we need a John the Baptist today, or someone like him to bring about a new awakening to the purpose of Christ’s coming among us. It is what is being called the 'New Evangelisation' – bringing the true joy of the light of Christ to a world in which there is so much darkness and pain.”

I came across an article by Sydney Catholic, Harvey Smith, and it prompted the following reflection.

Much is said and written about the relevance of Christianity, of the Church, in the modern world. Many ideas and theories are tossed around trying to address that issue.
One of the great challenges for Christians today is the cynical, sceptical portrayal of ‘church’ in secular society. It has been suggested that a most effective way to respond to that portrayal is to do what the early Christians were praised for: “See how they care for one another".
Caring for one another requires energy, awareness and commitment. Our personal example, our committed involvement, is a powerful form of evangelisation.
Harvey Smith is active in the Lay Apostolate in Sydney. He is engaged in Gospel Study Groups and has been an active evangelist in the Archdiocese of Sydney for many years.

We welcome your thoughts.....

Australian Catholic website about Evangelisation_ Link

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