Sunday, December 21, 2008

The Adelaide Achievers Aktion Club

Each year, just before Christmas the Tranmere Conference of the St Vincent De Paul Society receives a friendly phonecall from Mr Denis Molyneux informing them that Adelaide Achievers Aktion Club would like to help with the Christmas Hampers for the needy. Would they like that?!!

The Adelaide Achievers Aktion Club, a club for intellectually challenged young adults, is sponsored by the Burnside/East Adelaide Kiwanis. The club provides activities for members to promote skills and opportunities for personal growth and undertaking community service. The members strive to return to their communities the benefits, help, and caring they have received, as well as develop important skills in the process.
Tranmere St Vincent De Paul has been the grateful recipient of their generosity at Christmas for many years. We thank them sincerely.

The Adelaide Achievers Aktion Club members are quiet achievers of the highest order and so is Denis. He will probably cringe if he ever reads this but his dedication and passion to the cause of encouraging young people with disabilities is outstanding.
On Australia Day 2005 Denis was awarded an AM - Member of the Order of Australia - for service to people with a disability through the development of sport and recreation opportunities.

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