Sunday, November 30, 2008

Spot On Pauline Connelly!

On page 5 of the December issue of ‘The Southern Cross’ newspaper Pat reflects on the relationship between the media and truth!
The manner in which the death of Daniel Awak was reported by the media included much creative speculation and innuendo. Truth played a very minor role.
The “sensationalism and clanging rhetoric of the daily media was well and truly laid bare!”
Should we accept this form of reporting?

Last year media companies published a report, “Right To Know,” in order to highlight the difficulties they claim they are experiencing in getting access to factual information from governments and public institutions.
In the report the government is accused of all kinds of control, manipulation and spin that diminish the rights of the public to accurate information.

Yet these same media companies continually display incredible hypocrisy by perpetrating exactly such manipulation and spin themselves!
Their focus appears to be not on reporting public events and controversies, but on trying blatantly to create controversies, often with hurtful consequences.

The coverage of Daniel’s death was another embarrassing example of journalists manipulating, distorting and spinning in order to beat up controversy, innuendo and public distrust.

Do ‘journalists’ ever reflect on journalistic ethics?
Aren’t readers, listeners and viewers entitled to have news and comment presented to them honestly and fairly, and with respect for the privacy and sensibilities of individuals and communities?
Doesn’t the media have a public duty to provide fair news reports about matters of public interest?

Related story:

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