Saturday, November 1, 2008

Centering Prayer

Fr. William Meninger OCSO
Australian Tour 19—23 Nov 08

Centering Prayer

In 1974, Fr. Meninger, an American Trappist monk, began to teach retreats based on a 14 c spiritual classic, The Cloud of Unknowing. He recognized the book as a teaching manual for laypeople. St. Gregory the Great called this kind of prayer “resting in God”.

Southern Events:
“Centering Prayer”
Thurs 20 Nov, 7pm—9.30pm, St. Joseph’s Hall, St. George St. Willunga &
Fri 21 Nov, 10am—12.30, St. Martin’s Berwick St. Pt Noarlunga
Both sessions $15 or $10 concession
Contact: Tim Deslandes 8556 4686 or

Adelaide Events:
“Julian of Norwich”
Fri 21 Nov, 7.30—9.30pm—$15 or $12 concession

“Introduction to Contemplative Meditation”
Sat 22 Nov 10am—4pm (with lunch & refreshments) $30 or $20

“Forgiveness as Fruits of Contemplation”
Sun 23 Nov 1—5pm, $20 or $18(with refreshments)

All 3 Adelaide events will be held at St. Phillips (Anglican), Cnr Galway Ave & Staffa St. Broadview

Contact: Elizabeth Connolly 8223 7499
or Rev Caroline Pearce 8344 5255

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