Wednesday, October 1, 2008

Celebrating Mass

Carmel Pilcher RSJ has written about the celebration of Mass in today's communities. She wrote:
"At our Sunday Eucharist we gain strength from each other by sharing Christ’s Word and Eucharist. The Mass is less about spending my personal hour with Jesus and more about committing my life to Christ and the community with whom I worship. It is about gathering with others to focus on the life of our faith community in relation to Christ’s sacrifice. The Mass is the clearest sign of unity and love, and there is no room for division or anger. We can only truly get to know each other and become one body if we gather regularly with the same community." Link

While mulling it over I was reminded of the words of Pope John Paul II when he visited Alice Springs in 1986:

“All over the world people worship God and read his word in their own language, and colour the great signs and symbols of religion with touches of their own traditions. Why should you be different from them in this regard, why should you not be allowed the happiness of being with God and each other in Aboriginal fashion?”

That same message would surely apply to any local faith community?

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