Monday, November 26, 2012

Tranmere Catholic Women's League

The Tranmere Catholic Women’s League held their Christmas gathering on Monday, November 19.
It is a wonderful group of women who do many good things and do them generously.

What a great gathering it was!
Superb food was shared and the meat was barbequed very tastily by Peter and Trevor.
Top class musical entertainment, including a warm up session of Christmas carols, was provided by Neale, Bob and Larry.

The special guests for the gathering were Abuk and Andrew De Yel with their two youngest children – Akut and Wol.
Abuk and Andrew met in Kenya after fleeing from war-ravaged Sudan.
They have an incredibly strong desire to help their extended families back in South Sudan, now a newly independent country.
They are seeking our help to make it possible to build a clean water well in their home territory of Wakou, the land where water from wells brings life.
The gathering raised over $200 for this project and the family also shared in the raffle prizes!
And Andrew sang a solo hymn beautifully!

How good is that?!
Thank you Josie and friends!

A few snapshots........

Other stories about Wakou Aid:

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